LT101 Plumbing Specifications Sheet
ST101 Plumbing Specifications Sheet


How much does each tub cost?
Does tub come with plumbing installed?
Are there any restraints to secure dog in the tub?
What are my color choices?
Is the tub big enough for large dogs?
How long does it take to receive tubs?
How is tub constructed?
How difficult is the tub to install?
How much does the tub weigh?
How can I get this through my small doorway?
What warranty comes with the tub?
Is this tub compatible with a Hydrosurge unit?
What is the water usage of this tub?
Why buy a New Breed Tub over a stainless steel model?
Please call if you have any additional questions.

How much does each tub cost?
The LT101 is $2990 and the ST101 is $2950.

Does tub come with plumbing installed?
Yes, we use quality plumbing fixtures, including a Moen posi-temp shower valve, which is adjustable to set max temperature. Tubs come with hose, spray nozzle, and vacuum breaker. [ top ]

Are there any restraints to secure dog in the tub?
Yes, there is a stainless steel eyebolt located between shower valve and spray nozzle on Model LT101, two on Model ST101, one at each end, and one on the drop in tray.
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What are my color choices?
Fiberglass - color white. Exterior color - customer choice - send color chip with order. [ top ]

Is the tub big enough for large dogs?
Yes, Model LT101 tub is designed to accommodate the largest breeds in excess of 200 Lbs. Model ST101 can hold up to a Lab size dog. [ top ]

How long does it take to receive tubs?
All tubs are custom built for each customer. Time frame depends on amount of tubs you order and current tubs in production. Call for current ship dates. [ top ]

How is tub constructed?
The tub is supported by a 2 x 4 stud wood frame and pressure treated kick plate that stands off the floor. Siding is 5” cottage lap wood grain finish (wood product) glued and nailed to the frame with a molded fiberglass tub secured to the frame. [ top ]

How difficult is the tub to install?
Hose connection to hot and cold water supply and drain line connected to strainer bowl in center of tub. Recommend having licensed plumber hook up tub. [ top ]

How much does the tub weigh?
About 260 Lbs. Ship weight about 300 Lbs. [ top ]

How can I get this through my small doorway?
The tub is 35 1/2” tall. If your door is smaller than that, the bottom kick plate is removable to 32” which will fit through most doorways. [ top ]

What warranty comes with the tub?
The enclosure and frame work have a one year warranty. Siding and plumbing fixtures are covered by manufacture siding 30 year shower valve 5 years. [ top ]

Is this tub compatible with a Hydrosurge unit?
Yes, but tub must be ordered custom to work with this unit. [ top ]

What is the water usage of the tubs?
Both models will put out approximately 2.5 gal. per min. [ top ]

Why buy a New Breed Tub over a stainless steel model?
Not only does it look professional, it's easy to use. The opening in the front of Model LT101 allows the dog to just step up and in and you to work on both sides of the tub. There's no need to turn the dog around while bathing. You have the freedom to move around both sides of the tub. Less stress for all! Model ST101 is more compact with a smaller footprint and the same great construction and ease of use. [ top ]